Our Services


Clients About Us

Timely, efficient and accurate – True professionals work for Wizor’s Investments. My business has moved forward since using one of the company’s service packages.

John Grinwild

New York, NY

I would recommend this company to people who plan to start their own business. Thanks to the manager’s business planning and advising our start up become more profitable.

Daria Gofman

Chicago. IL

The company helps to invest in most profitable projects that can give you a good rate of return. The best way to dispose of free assets.

Stephano Willkaz

New York, NY
our prices

Service Packages

  • Civil and Commercial Law
  • Maritime Law
  • Insurance Law
  • Family Law
  • Labour Law
  • Real Estate Law
  • Intellectual Property
  • Expertise
  • Litigation
  • Legal Documents Clearing

We, Saif Legal Consultancy FZE is one of the biggest promising offices located in RAK comprising highly professional and skilled management from upper-class advocacy and legal consultation constituted

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